Transformation Leaders Network seeks to become the premier consultancy group for schools, districts, and systems across our nation and to aggressively accelerate outcomes for students.
Want to accelerate?
The Transformation Leaders Network seeks to serve as a thought partner with schools, districts, charters, and state education agencies. Upon consultation with partners, a professional development and consultation proposal is developed. Based on the needs of the partner, anything from a keynote address, to a full day professional development, to a comprehensive package complete with follow up coaching and consultancy can be created.
Keynote/Convocation Speeches
Experience delivering motivating, inspirational speeches in school districts during district convocation and at state school improvement conferences.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment-
A comprehensive needs assessment involves the collection of data, surveys, and interviews in regards to district systems, structures, and processes. Once all data sources are reviewed, a set of recommendations are presented, and an action plan is developed collaboratively with the school or district partner.
School Turnaround and Improvement Consulting
Coaching, professional development, and consultation are provided to address school focus areas centered on a system of levers needed for success. Climate and culture, talent management, leadership, curriculum and instruction, observation and coaching, data meetings, and equity-based decision making are the focus.
Climate and Culture
Schools and districts with a positive climate and culture increase teacher and student morale, and improve discipline and student achievement. This training presents real success stories in climate change, practical strategies ready for implementation, and results in a collaboratively developed climate transformation plan. Learn strategies that result in decreases in discipline issues of 60-80 percent, improved teacher and student culture, and implementation of the tie-breaking life skills our scholars need.
Equity Championing
Providing access and opportunities to all students and addressing institutional inequities is more important now than ever, but a challenging issue to address. Using tools and resources from The Racial Equity Leadership Network fellowship, Dr. Snow provides speaking, coaching, and professional development/planning pathways to achieve equitable results.
Online learning, innovative school models, schools of choice are all important in today’s educational landscape. Partner with a team that understands this and has a history of success.
Success does not lie in a program or software, but the people and approaches used by professional and paraprofessional staff with our scholars. This training presents a method of master schedule that provides for inclusive instruction, maximizes existing personnel, and is grounded in powerful tier one instruction for all students, as well as scaffolded intervention strategies within a common intervention time. Successes include a dramatic reduction of students in need of intervention and over-identification of special education students while raising achievement for all subgroups.
Principal Coaching
Campus leaders are the driving force behind school improvement and achievement. However, the job of a principal is the most complex in a school district. Everything from the creating front office climate, to human capital management, master scheduling, and implementation of observation feedback cycles is led by the principal and affects staff, and student achievement. During this partnership, one on one leader coaching brings the leader from where they are to where they need to be in the areas of campus management as well as instructional leadership. Site visits, conference calls, and collaborative planning are used to maximize principal development.
Math Instruction
Elementary math instruction must move from concrete to representational to abstract instruction. Learn research-based practices for building a mathematics instructional block that focuses on building automaticity, problem-solving, and teaching concepts with manipulatives, pictorial models, number sentences, and abstract problem-solving.

Data-Driven Instruction
Grounded in the Leverage Leadership and Get Better Faster, this training focuses on the implementation of a cycle of weekly data meetings that use student assessment data, analysis of student work, and lesson planning that is based on research and moves student data as well as teacher effectiveness. Initial training, as well as site visits and coaching, are used to maximize results.
Observation Feedback and Coaching
Also Grounded in the Leverage Leadership and Get Better Faster, this training focuses on the implementation of a cycle of observation and feedback with regular coaching of teachers and administrators. Rather than be presented as “one more thing”, creating a coaching culture is grounded in the development of people, as well as a cycle of weekly data meetings that use student assessment data, analysis of student work, and lesson planning. Initial training and follow up site visits and coaching are used to maximize results.
Teacher Training/Coaching
Based on collaboration with partners, a system of professional development around key initiatives and best practices is developed. Initial training in key practices is followed with training campus leaders on real-time coaching of teachers as well as follow up visits to offer leaders “coaching on their coaching”.